I never do this. This blog has not been about people who read it, and that was a mistake.
Continue readingYear: 2018
Meng Wanzhou. The warrant had been there since Aug. 22. It is really just timing or, put another way, a
Continue readingThat is surely what we all need, a paleofuture blog. It has not been a good year for the T.
Continue readingKathy Carpenter and Nancy Pfister
Of all the stories that actually happened on American Greed and similar programs this one sticks out. Nancy Pfister did
Continue readingAmerican Greed Monday
Monday is American Greed day on CNBC. It borders on obsession to watch the videos. There are so many. It
Continue readingI finally figured it out. Customer satisfaction. Residents and taxpayers come first. Stock answer when the 911 operator argues: you
Continue readingTo all the women who I have had a rocky relationship with and have blasted here, I apologize. It is
Continue readinghttps://law.justia.com/cases/federal/appellate-courts/cadc/15-1158/15-1158-2017-08-29.html
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Continue readingelection day
EDIT: Sinema won. The backlash is more potent than thought and it continues. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/414854-arizona-senate-race-a-virtual-tie-poll This is the only race
Continue readinghttps://www.arktimes.com/ArkansasBlog/archives/2018/11/02/another-look-at-little-rock-police-department-this-time-in-josh-hastings-case
Continue readinghttps://www.wsj.com/articles/airplane-noise-complaints-are-skyrocketing-i-start-pushing-that-button-at-6-33-a-m-1535121271 support@airnoise.io
Continue readinghttps://www.nickiswift.com/84553/inside-matthew-perrys-tragic-real-life-story/ Well-written! Interesting. There is a video on youtube to go with it. I always thought that he was the
Continue readingThis is a very tough thing to do for me these days. I have to read (learn) instead of write.
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