Partial List.
- Sending two deputies to my home, around midnight, banging on my front door, to accuse me of “trespassing.” I sent a letter to Ted Mink, vehemently denied this, provided proof of footprints in the snow, and never received a reply. I asked to meet with Ted Mink and he refused.
- Threatening–calling and coming to my home–to threaten me with an arrest for “obstructing a public utility.” What?
- Coming to my home to accuse me of 1) disobeying postal regulations and 2) to inform me that a neighbor would send me a letter in reply (a lie: no letter).
- Coming to my home to 1) accuse me of disobeying postal regulations 2) to inform me that there are no covenants in my neighborhood (there are) and 3) that a barking dog would wear a bark collar (didn’t happen) and that the nuisance would stop it hasn’t)
- Coming to my home, after I reported a crime and specifically said I do not want calls or anyone coming to my home to harass me (10/7/12).
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