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I finally figured it out.  Customer satisfaction.  Residents and taxpayers come first.

Stock answer when the 911 operator argues:  you are allowing crime in front of my house and I do not feel safe.

If RE the park:  you are allowing crime and you are preventing the use of the park for its intended purposes.  You are preventing others from using and enjoying the park.  (Example:  you shouldn’t need a dog for protection to walk in the park.)


If  I was writing a marketing plan and performing a competitive analysis…  My advantage is I will take the time and figure it out.

But this site is about writing.  That is what I have come to recognize about writing too:  It is about taking the long, complete road and telling the whole story.

Obstruction of justice.  I know it is a criminal charge, but still.  To say it will come out in the civil filings is way premature, but one way or another it will be exposed and corrected.

A key is “duty to report.”  At least it makes it makes it a step closer to simple.  Civil rights is not simple.  Is personal injury?


One of the things I like about sitcom writing is the ability to play with time.  In this case everyone is responsible for 20 years.  I have the records and proof.


Finally, technology.  We are going to employ technology.  Video, we are almost there.  Next, voice to text to cover more ground (e.g., Liebe, I explained it to you; illegal act on public property; EPRD teaching kids crime is OK; signs at Stagecoach Park; emails to Ted Mink; Jeffco won’t send commercial vehicles to open space (e.g., Elk Meadow); NEVER case numbers or case dispositions or tickets/prosecution; 2 motives theories; Ellen Wakeman (?) county attorney; free court costs because of income at poverty level; Phoenix FAA decision (City of Phoenix wants to protect the airport; Why does Jeffco want to protect DIA and not residents?; etc.).

If the sheriff’s department will not respond when I call 911  maybe I should use Twitter?

Voice to text posts, podcasts!


One more week of prep.  First step, email to board outlining 911 plans.