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This is where the story keeps on giving.  The Goldmans are right.  They sued Simpson’s ass and that helped.  But where were the Browns?

One sister kept in touch with Simpson for the purpose of keeping the two kids–they, Simpson/first wife “killed” the third–in touch with the Browns.  After the murder trial Simpson regained custody.

The other sister runs a charity for domestic abuse.

Simpson is a bad enough guy to make me look poorly on the whole jock community because they’re the ones most enamored with him.  I already feel that way about thugs.

One of Simpson’s sisters collapsed at his guilty verdict in the armed robbery trial and died sometime later after never recovering.  Simpson was in Las Vegas for her wedding.

Simpson has another sister, and has or had a mother who seemingly kept the family together when his parents separated at age five.  He also has a living ex-wife and kids from that marriage.

No one ever saw a violent or criminal side to him?  Why don’t they come forward?  They have to be lying.

So Simpson is in Las Vegas.  There are three memorabilia dealers arguing about everything and they have a box of Simpson’s ex-“sh*t,” as Simpson himself describes it.  The four apparently agree a former Simpson agent had or took the items at some point.  There are pictures and maybe trophies or balls; someone said $75K value.  (A blurb on TMZ talked about the suit Simpson wore at acquittal as worth $100,000.)  Oh, one of the three dealers said in court he made $210,000 from the robbery audio tape and such…

Someone in Las Vegas government said something along the lines of “If they’re your items you need to sue in civil court to get them back.  We can’t have armed people barging into hotel rooms taking things.”

The judge was harsh and the D.A. was zealous.  Let’s get these small-time hoods or hangers-on to plead and testify against Simpson because…  He was the leader and he organized it.  They were his things.  SIC.

The armed gang was caught on video tape.  Simpson himself was audio-taped.  And he lied and he was caught.  I didn’t know they had guns, he said.  I was just trying to get my things back.

Simpson, are you an educated, compassionate man or a lying, wife-beating/murdering thug?  And actor.  In court, “I was trying to get my things back, I’m sorry” is a lie.


Everyone is talking about it.  Every review says watch it.


Part 1 of Made in America ends on an ominous milestone: the first meeting between Simpson and future wife Nicole Brown at The Daisy, a hot L.A. disco. That night, a friend remembers, O.J. said of Nicole, “I’m gonna marry that girl.” Which was odd, because O.J. was still married at the time. And also, because Nicole was only 18. But they did go out on a date… and it wasn’t exactly romantic. Nicole’s friend David LeBon remembers her coming home with ripped jeans and looking shaken up; when he asked what happened, she said O.J. had been “a little forceful” with her. Still, they continued their whirlwind romance. “They had a real love affair, these two,” Nicole’s sister Tanya Brown says. “And that’s what makes this thing so sad.”

And the first episode ended with perfect suspense…  Nicole Brown.

He hit her, hard, more than once.

I am thinking.  Violence against a woman.  I could see it happen.  Suppose you are outside and you are having an argument.  It is a sticky issue and you get really mad.  You kick a fence post.  It knocks over a flower pot that hits a brick which falls on his foot.  Ooops.  Her foot.

There are many more details.  He had affairs.  She drove a white Ferrari.  “This is mine,” he said.  There was love too.

I think it is OK to want to read her diary.

The Bronco chase was really supposed to be an escape to Mexico?  Or suicide?  CTE/BMX star at 41.

Was he grotesquely controlling, spying on her, taking keys, and eventually killing her?

“I’m not black, I’m O.J.” is my favorite quote too.

Who was Robert Kardasian?  The FX series.  It is nonstop.

Cut to the chase…  This is really good:


Edit.  From Louis Brown’s obituary:  “Brown served in World War II as a pilot and married in Switzerland after the war.”  He died in 2014 at 90.  Nicole Brown was born in Frankfurt, Germany in 1959.