And the winner is…

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Drum roll…

Changes SIM. Restarts Samsung Galaxy 5G… Bingo: full bars 5G. That’s a start. Didn’t have to re-do those pesky access codes either.

1.3Mbps. Takes hour updating access codes. Turns on and off. Again. Recheck. 1.2Mbps.

Son of a bitch. I’m stunned.

I have to take a break. I thought works on them all; the one that pops up on Google doesn’t. And, hotspot is faster than the phone! Roku up to around 25Mbps using hotspot. Whatever the speed was on the phone worked fine.

Checks one last time. Up around 20. Maybe higher. It varies and you have to try different speed test sites. If it doesn’t load or you can’t send an email, that is another hint.

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