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After 2 months they responded. The question is how?

They failed to address the biggest issue of fraud. You can’t sell something that is a “system error.” You have to provide a refund and stop selling it. The trouble here is both Discover and Boost kept trying to sell it. After 9 months Boost capitulated and provided something of–not entirely corrected–a refund. Discover continues to try and charge me for nothing at all, plus late fees and they continue to threaten (e.g., bogus credit hits).

It is so bad and ingrained neither of these companies are ones I will use again. With Boost I cancelled my other account; I’ve tried to cancel Discover most of this year.

I’m getting sidetracked… How? Boost sells them and if you aren’t really diligent they get away with it. They do this by routing any problems to foreign agents who are exasperating and completely unhelpful. If you cannot deal with everything automated and seemingly explained, don’t use them. If they say something is something, and it is not, that is fraud. Such things are generally covered by the state; most states have something similar to what was called the Colorado Consumer Protection Act.

Discover… How?

I’ll start by being vague. Now, at Christmastime as I conclude my fraud and corruption story for the year, two things stick out:

  1. Hiding. No email support, perhaps chat for the simplest things only, and unusable foreign reps. Frequent email harassment is Do Not Reply. Websites are for company-provided information only, e.g., secure email. It is all a conscious attempt to avoid.
  2. Departmentalization. This includes hiring people at low-level jobs who are only able to perform minimal tasks. They are not empowered; they don’t know what anyone else is doing and they don’t have any power over it anyway. Don’t like it? “Sorry, that’s all I can do.”

Both of these are hugely impacted by Covid and hiring problems. A lot of people are unsupervised and working at home.

To repeat what is above, listening and dealing with individual circumstances may or may not be the way it works. If you tell the person who (finally) answers the phone “This is fraud!” that isn’t likely to lead to a solution. Everyone is trained, they work off scripts, and as noted above, purposely denied authority. The result is it changes the dialogue and through organization and management it is intended.


  • no one capable of researching the issue or addressing customer concerns.
  • continuous No Reply misinformation and threats; must call this number–someone will only demand payment, probably after a lot of effort to get just to that point.
  • ignoring correspondence and evidence.
  • lying/covering-up.


Increase/maintain profits. I.e., cheat people. That may be the motive, although not the outcome. Hard to believe they would do this over $243. Very poor management. And, they think they can get away with it.


Exhibit 1 is proof of.. The continued ability to download. But wait, it is .odt.

The screenshot above is a png I think… It works!!!

Now, try a pdf, like this one. Works fine!!!

Normally if I insert a pdf file it opens that huge display panel. Since I can do it this way, and produce any kind of list or document I want, it is better. I never have to log in to Hostinger again! Except to pay.

jpg. I’m going to assume.

I am going to start with the files uploaded to Discover in March. They are:

Back to this finally. How?

The Uniform Consumer Credit Code is a key to how and why credit card companies act as they do. Colorado is one of 9 states to “adopt” it. This is 18% of states but if you look at which ones are included, it is far from that percentage of the U.S. population.

Credit card companies can basically assume guilt. When you don’t pay as they demand they are allowed to yelp and report to credit agencies. Do you have to actually pay? That requires a court order.

The Uniform Consumer Credit Code (UCCC) is a code of conduct that governs consumer credit transactions. It provides guidelines for laws related to the purchase and use of all types of credit products from mortgages to credit cards. It is intended to protect consumers who use credit from fraud and misinformation.

15 U.S. Code. How to find? Start with 15 U.S. Code ยง 1692e – False or misleading representations. That’s not it.

unconscionable transactions


The code also limits so-called unconscionable transactions. These deals are usually subject to interpretation but refer to negotiations that are so overwhelmingly one-sided as to be deemed unenforceable. These unilateral practices may include warranty disclaimers or the blatant misrepresentation of products.

This explains it. Right from the start. That is what I mean by known and intentional.

Overall, this case is simpler than others I have worked on. There is less communication. The evidence is brief and completely convincing.

The product is fraudulent. (check and end-April email)

Discover failed to act, as they are required-to and they said they did. (my letter and emails, March/April; no indication or proof of investigation; deleting uploads; immediately and continuously denying dispute; failure to communicate/respond)

They still won’t come clean. (Lying to CFPB via low-level employee)

They take the measures of blaming me and lying about my credit. (threatening email; credit hits)

From the Wiki link above:


Abuser deliberately obfuscates an issue.


Abuser pretends not to understand the victim.


Abuser will vehemently call into question a victim’s memory in spite of the victim having remembered things correctly.

Blocking and diverting

Abuser changes the conversation from the subject matter to questioning the victim’s thoughts and controlling the conversation.


Abuser makes the victim believe his or her thoughts or needs are not important.

Forgetting and denial

Abuser pretends to forget things that have really occurred; the abuser may deny or delay things like promises that are important to the victim. Although anyone can deny or delay, the gaslighter does it regularly in the absence of real external limitations. The gaslighter may make up or create artificial barriers to allow themselves to deny or delay that which is important to the victim.

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