The first week was kind of cool–all this all this teaming-up of the mostly Western allies, the huge payments, the generous humanitarian efforts, and even the protests. This is what I still check as a measure of the defense. The news we could see said it was going well for the Ukrainians: the convoy was bogged down, the cities are prepared for siege warfare, Russians are deserting, etc. All these international legionnaires are signing up. There is no way Putin can hold Ukraine even if they conquer pieces.
Someone wrote that if it goes on longer than ten days Russia will lose.
What do they call it, the news cycle? Or maybe it is just a matter of an attention span.
Since it started on February 24, this is now day 17.
Now there is nothing cute or cool about it. It is worth paying attention and remembering. Put another way, for those of us lucky enough to be just watching, it is nothing like Lori Daybell or Gabby Petino. I stopped watching all the videos on DW and France Live on Youtube, and BBC live news. I still read everything on the Washington Post but that is not enough.
Day 17. It seems like Day 37 and I’m not even there. I need a total catch-up. What is the status today. Are the generals still on TV saying it can’t last?