Tim Leonard

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Tim Leonard (R) is a nice guy and he will probably win.  I have to get this out of the way somehow, that I think it is a little weird that he and his wife are raising six kids and homeschooling them somewhere near Evergreen.  Sorry, I didn’t know what to do with that tidbit.  Anyway, his opponent is weak and he has many of the qualities of a successful campaigner and state senator:  informed, organized, good money-raiser, and most importantly, a genuine desire to succeed.  He is relatively humble and soft-spoken, but he has to swim in the same waters as the rest of us.  I think, and hope, he is more middle of the road than possibly he may appear, but that is just a theory.  He is associated with the tea partiers, and it is not unwise to ride that to victory if that is what it takes, and that makes it difficult to figure out who he really is.
So why did I call him?  I suppose it is because he was sort of the lightning rod for the signs and the t-shirts and the general shenanigans at the political forum.  By the end of the conversation I said to myself, and him, “I’m glad I picked up the phone.”  I just enjoyed talking with him.  He told me I might like reading Thomas Sowell.  We talked about Switzerland, my days driving a Coke truck in every terrible neighborhood in Detroit with cash bulding from my trousers, and about the Wild West and the Colorado “attitude.”  We talked about Michigan colleges vs. Colorado colleges.  He said “I didn’t know that” when I told him political signs shouldn’t be put in this, my, local park and he sounded sincere.  He was impressed with my business, legal, and social science background and he was genuinely interested in what I had to say. He is a good listener, and I told him that.  He was curious when I said that the Colorado, ‘I can do whatever I want’ hurts Colorado business-wise.
I told him that I stood next to someone cheering for him and wearing a Tim Leonard t-shirt, and that I didn’t think that person really understood…

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