ted mink last night…

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(from my other/emergency blog)

My other blog is down again so I’m going to have to compose here.

Ted Mink refused/refuses to:

  1. Investigate hit and run damage to my property by a FedEx driver.
  2. Monitor and police speed limits in my neighborhood (vehicles frequently driving 40-50 MPH (estimate) in a 20 MPH zone).
  3. Stop the noise in my neighborhood and the adjacent area from a business (kennel) approximately a mile a way.
  4. Stop people from driving on the wrong side of the street (and off the road) in my neighborhood (I have witnessed dozens of near accidents).
  5. Stop a neighbor from harassing me in my home with lights and trying to usurp my property with lights.
  6. Stop a different neighbor from shining a huge spotlight, erected on a chimney, and aimed at/inside my home.
  7. Stop a different neighbor’s pit bull dog from harassing me until I was attacked on my property (I am convinced the harassment only stopped then because I had photographs; the noise continues).
  8. Prosecute a different neighbor whose dog bit me when I was walking in the neighborhood (on public property).
  9. Prevent dogs from the lacrosse field at the park in my neighborhood (signs posted:  “No Dogs on Athletic Field”).
  10. Prevent dogs off leash in the rest of the park (Stagecoach Park).
  11. Prevent people from driving in the park where vehicles are not allowed.
  12. Prevent vandalism in the park.
  13. Prosecute a person whose dog, off a leash on the lacrosse field threatened me even after I provided vehicle license information.  I asked the individual three times to put the large German Shepard on a leash and he refused.
  14. Investigate (and prosecute) corruption in the County Planning and Zoning (e.g., falsifying public records).
  15. Remove an illegally discarded refrigerator from a visible corner in my neighborhood.
  16. Stop people from camping/living at the parking lot of an abandoned supermarket across the street from my neighborhood.
  17. Stop dogs from illegally harassing wildlife in my neighborhood.
  18. Stop animal abuse and loud/habitual dog barking in my neighborhood.
  19. Investigate and prosecute an illegal survey conducted on my property.
  20. Investigate complaints against sheriff’s department employees (details in Part 2).

Of these, a number of them–particularly neighborhood speeding/reckless driving and illegal dogs/dogs off leash at Stagecoach Park–have been reported to the Mr. Mink’s department on numerous occasions.  Sometimes dispatch operators argue, try to avoid the call, or are abusive; sometimes employees/deputies do not respond; or sometimes a response takes up to an hour.  Frequently, deputies arrive, observe the crime(s) and do nothing–no follow-up, investigation, research, etc.  Always no citation is issued (or arrest made) and nothing substantive is done to prevent a recurrence.

Obviously this is an extensive list.  It is just from memory, done fairly hastily, and some issues may not be included.  It covers maybe seven or eight years of living in my neighborhood.

And it is a nice neighborhood comprised of $300,000 to $500,000 homes in Evergreen, Colorado.  Sheriff Ted Mink steadfastly refuses to provide necessary law enforcement services.  Qualified patrols are nonexistent as are effective responses to reported crimes.

The bottom line is the streets and the parks are not safe and accessible to all.
Coming soon:
Part 2,  Organization and Management
Part 3, Avoidance, Denial, and Cover-Ups:  What Happened When I Complained
Part 4, The Bigger Picture



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