Sugar Bowl 2012

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Boy this drags out–well over a month since Michigan’s last game.  But it is here at last!

Five keys:

  1. Denard and interceptions.
  2. Will Denard and/or Fitz have good/big games running.
  3. Will RB David Wilson have a big game running.
  4. Will QB Logan Thomas have a good/big game passing downfield.
  5. Intangibles (turnovers, kick returns, penalties, injuries, fieldgoal kicking).

Michigan is favored slightly as seemingly they should be:  slightly stronger schedule, wins over good teams, probably a little more line talent, and more fans at the game.  It is tempting to think Michigan should win because of a basically stronger team (tradition, recruiting, stadium, etc.) and stronger conference but I don’t think that is the case–credit goes to Virginia Tech and Frank Beamer for being creating a similarly-strong program.  Brady Hoke has improved the recent Michigan team fundamentally:  they’re not perfect but they’re solid and capable, don’t make frequent huge mistakes, and they are mentally prepared and in the game for the whole sixty minutes.  All that said, Denard Robinson is a star and a difference maker.  Michigan should win.

I cannot say I am good at predicting scores.  Maybe 35-21 Michigan?

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