Apparently his severe depression was well known. So where were his wife, family, and treatment professionals? His wife thought he was asleep in his (separate) room from the evening before until noon the next day? His “personal assistant” had to find him. Gee, I hope my wife is that close and caring. By all accounts Mr. Williams was a kind yet extremely troubled man. Why didn’t anyone close to him give a rat’s ass? And what about the treatment center in Minnesota Mr. Williams recently attended? Obviously, their treatment did zilch. Don’t they have any follow-up; in other words, do they really care about their (I assume, well-paying) patients?
Mr. Williams problems seem to have started as a child, with his parents. He described his father as “frightening” and his mother was distant too.
The other thing that sticks out here is depression. It can be very real and serious. Show business—the perceived need to be on all the time and for every project to be adored—really exasperated it.
EDIT/Time-Forward Machine: There is another aspect to this that strikes me. Was it Anthony Bourdain, or someone like him, who actually came out about it? What’s above takes priority. Maybe it is somewhat about doing it in a better way…
The public legacy is the films and whatnot. I don’t like them as much. OK, OK, Okay. Does a person owe it to anyone how or if or what they… No.