Operation Clean-Up

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Wow oh wow oh wow.

Wed 7/28 called “Right of Way” number (Transportation and Engineering and they said they’d take care of the deck/walkway built in the right of way AND the hail-chaser signs.  The woman said three days; “it is entered in our database.”  Friday I called back and was told ‘sorry, we don’t do that.’

Also Wednesday I called obnoxious John (Dupont) at Greenhaven Exteriors, Inc.  No “I won’t take the sings down,” he said and “I’ll have my lawyer call you.”  I said no need, the county will take care of it.

I called Planning and Zoning.  We only react to specific complaints and addresses; how, they’re all over I said.  I’ll discuss it with the director.  Nothing.

That night I called “The Denver Roofing Company.”  No answer or voice mail.  It was very late–actually the next morning.  I wanted to see if I would reach a legitimate business with, well, something.  It just rang.  Nothing.

Talked at length Friday with Kate Millen (303/271-8567).   She is Asst. County Administrator, formerly ad hoc/temporary Director of Development and Transportation.  Nothing.  Playing phone tag with Jeanie Rossillon (271-8575).  Nothing.

Saturday I called Corinna Bandemer and Suzan Koren and that guy Webber at Fuller Sotheby’s.  Today, I spoke with Koren (Evergreen-Conifer Real Estate Association).  Nothing.

Sunday I left three messages with ten addresses at Planning and Zoning.  Today, another message.  Nothing.

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