First they allowed a crime to occur. They did not stop it even though it took place over a period of weeks. They even say they observed it, although I question whether they paid any attention at all; regardless, they let it happen on their watch. Next, they were informed about it and they ignored the “tip.” Not acting on the tip compounds the cover-up.
My guess is Hart Cameron received the tip, went to Scott Robeson, and Robeson said do nothing.
I wrote to Mark Fowler and he did not reply, call, or communicate at all.
Only after I called the state patrol a second time, and they “tagged” the car for removal, did I hear from anyone at the EPRD. Robeson e-mailed me in what I would characterize as a very disturbing effort to cover his tracks.
Is this latest crime–an abandoned vehicle–so minor that it is not worth all this fuss? I believe it is a perfect example of the problem. A crime is a crime and a cover-up is a cover-up.
Now I understand the whole thing: why there is so much crime on EPRD property, why they did not stop or prevent this incident, why they ignored the tip, and why now they are attempting cover-up their behavior. It is all consistent with criminals–they are accessories to the crime–and corruption. Will they learn or change? That is doubtful: they have shown no repentance or corrective action and they are still concealing. So begins the effort to replace Mark Footer.