bellco (small b)

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I think it is ego.  “Our call center.”  Even the uninitiated will learn there are things that cannot be handled this way or that way.  They have no idea how sacred these communications are; that, a blunder that big, cannot be undone.  But we are big enough to do it this way.  We insist on doing it this way.  That is ego.

You should live and work in the South…   I’m sorry, that is a personal digression.  It relates to doing things in a personal way.

I have seen some blunders by bellco, but this has to be the clincher.  Maybe there is a part of their business that works with this type of set-up–what they have done is try to divert customer service to some who knows what or where group.  That is only part of it, but that is the main part that affects me.  I think even the biggest and best financial institutions have people and branches and personal service; that is the thing about banks, investments, loans, and money, loan sharks and bailbonds notwithstanding, there is often an extra level of trust and service required.  Tell me people in the industry don’t know this.

Second, I don’t think you can separate the specifics of your business–loans, interest, credit cards, mortgages–and the people who work on them and this unskilled/outsourced/work at home customer service solution.  Again, maybe there is a niche or significant market, and you have products/services that work that way, but I don’t see it.

Third, as I mentioned to another bank, “I don’t understand how you do business that way.  Suppose I wanted to buy a car and wanted a car loan?”  I tried calling several bellco branches too.  There was no way to reach them, save for disconnections, hold times, and a (DELETE disparaging adjectives) work force.  Maybe there is a way to fight through it and befriend someone.  I don’t see that either.

EDIT:  I don’t know what bellco’s strategy or goals are and that is the problem with armchair quarterbacking.  I have a free checking account and almost everything is free.  I like it because I also have a rather large line of credit, which I pay quite a bit for.  I can see a little logic in this kind of an approach depending on your market and products.


Email:   Name: Peter Pfeiffer


   1/27/2016 via Website    (Authenticated by Bellco Online Banking)
Personal Account Inquiry:What is your account number?Question: Worst service ever from a financial institution ever.
There is a problem–sever problem–with the interest
on my line of credit. I have been trying all morning
to speak with someone. At least 10 calls.Please call me asap. 303-670-5174Peter Pfeiffer


   1/27/2016 via Website    (Authenticated by Bellco Online Banking)
I could not reach any of your branches either.
Apparently you have no phone system.”Ricky” does not seem to help.I think now you need to tell me a little about
regulatory process. I believe I am being
overcharged… no response.Now I fear for my deposits.I did ask Ricky about executive escalations… no
reply there either.

Peter Pfeiffer

BTW, this doesn’t work for me. If I’m going to keep
my accounts at Bellco I’m going to need better service.


   1/27/2016 via Website    (Authenticated by Bellco Online Banking)
The woman I spoke with did not know how to spell “Peter.”It seems the calls were transferred around a lot;
really bad telephone system (4-5 hangups, constant “I
can’t hear you”). Poor English skills. Baby crying.From the first person, Jonathan, I knew it wasn’t
going to work.Jonathan
RickyEach time I asked for a manager in the loan
department. No last names. I also asked for direct
phone numbers, at least to make a call-back easier.

I did mention to Ricky a bit of expertise in this
area. Maybe I’ll repeat that next time. Still no
call or response here from anyone at Bellco.
(Screenshots!) Interest, charged daily, it is time


   1/27/2016 via Website    (Authenticated by Bellco Online Banking)
I am concerned for my accounts’ security. I gave
these people my checking number 4-5 times; I entered
ss# and pin, nothing worked, constantly disconnected
and restart.I am still waiting for a reply–seriously, I know
credit unions are not regulated like banks. I
request regulator contact information.


Answer    1/27/2016 via Website    by Antoinette D.     (Date Originally Viewed: 1/27/2016 10:54:41 AM)
Dear Peter,Thank you for contacting us.I apologize for the service you have received and I would like to speak with and hopefully we can address your concerns.  I attempted to call you today at 303-670-5174 and your phone went immediately to voice mail.  Please provide a call back number so that i may reach out to you.  Thank you and I look forward to speaking with you.
Thank you for using Bellco’s Answer Center,
Antoinette D


   1/27/2016 via Website    (Authenticated by Bellco Online Banking)
Why is that a problem?If I am on the phone it will go to voicemail. Please
leave a response in voicemail or send me an email at You already have my email address.Or give me a name and phone number (maybe I will call).That is crazy, I should sit by my (unused) phone(for
days) because you may call?


   1/27/2016 via Website    (Authenticated by Bellco Online Banking)
BTW. No caller id callers, blocked numbers, etc. may
be disconnected, go to voicemail, etc.An earlier call from (name redacted) came through as
“800 Service.” Real personal.I will not answer caller-id blocked calls.


   1/27/2016 via Website    (Authenticated by Bellco Online Banking)
I’m waiting. Nothing.

Answer    1/27/2016 via Website    by Darryl R.     (Date Originally Viewed: 1/27/2016 2:51:53 PM)
Dear Peter,Thank you for your response.Unfortunately, we are an inbound call center only, and we typically do not make outbound calls.  However, if a representative does gain approval to make an outbound call to assist you with your questions, the call will always come through as a “blocked number.”  Unfortunately, there is no way to change this.  Also, if we were to leave a voicemail, due to the sensitivity of the subject matter, the voicemail message would be rather vague, simply requesting for you to contact Member Services for more information regarding your request.In addition, we are also unable to provide you with direct numbers or last names for any representatives.  If you were to contact Member Services, you would be directed to a general representative, who would be happy to assist with your concerns.I do apologize for the difficulty that you have experienced in getting the answers to your questions, and that your inquiry has yet to be resolved.  It is unfortunate that you are unsatisfied with your customer service experience.

However, if you would like to speak to someone, please contact Member Services at 1-800-235-5261, and a representative would be happy to assist you.

However, if you would prefer to continue to converse via email, I would be happy to attempt to assist you with your questions regarding the interest on your account.  Could you reply back with the specific questions that you have regarding your account?   I can research the account, and perhaps provide you with the answers that you require.

Thank you for your valued membership!

Thank you for using Bellco’s Answer Center,
Darryl R


   1/27/2016 via Website    (Authenticated by Bellco Online Banking)
Just came back to do a little cutting and pasting.
This is also covered on my website ( I said at least 5 times, I believe I am being
overcharged for my line of credit in 2016. I believe
there were also instances in 2015. A complete audit
and communication to me is required.I do not believe anyone has tried to contact me since
the woman at bellco tried to call me at 9:19 am. I
would have seen it in my caller id.Obviously, someone from bellco needs to fix these
problems. If you have (another) “customer service
rep” contact me who doesn’t know the answers it will
be another waste of time.I do not think it is in my interest to support your
“knowledge base.” This will be my last communication


I think it is ego.  “Our call center.”  Even the uninitiated will learn there are things that cannot be handled this way or that way.  They have no idea how sacred these communications are; that, a blunder that big, cannot be undone.  But we are big enough to do it this way.  We insist on doing it this way.  That is ego.

I think it is ego. “Our call center.” Even the
uninitiated will learn there are things that cannot
be handled this way or that way. They have no idea
how sacred these communications are; that, a blunder
that big, cannot be undone. But we are big enough to
do it this way. We insist on doing it this way.
That is ego. (FROM MY BLOG.)

Scratch that earlier “post.” This needs to stay open
until this is resolved and I am satisfied. I am
going to get a response, one way or another, or are
you just ignoring that I have $1000 sitting in your

Please, no more replies about your policies or
(dated? inept?) phone system. Please check the
recording of my conversation with Ricky.