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They are two similar incidents, both ripping off MetLife. And me.

I guess the way to do it is with a strong cut right in the bottom center. I was there for that: a utility knife and boom, a scratch in the paint. He had no idea what to do about it and his manager on the phone was not much help either. ‘We’ll send someone out to fix it’ was the general response.

So he continued. Afterward I asked, “Any other problems?”

I said I was not happy about the small scratch that was now a big black blotch because he put primer on it, but it was Friday afternoon and I let him on his way.

The 1998 Jeep Wrangler windshield appears to me as small, rectangular, and simple. An anywhere installation goes for about $175. It is a common car in Colorado.

When I looked closer I saw a fairly large scratch, similar to the first one, all along the right side. The corners—all four–are not sealed or watertight at all. I have had one other replacement in the 20+ years I have owned the car and this is not nearly as well-done as that one. Plus the car is damaged. How to cover a scratch in metalic paint that old? I think you have to paint a fairly large panel. To match it is going to be hard. The car is no longer original.

Plus, I think the windshield needs to be replaced again.

The pics did not turn out great, and this gallery thing in wordpress does not allow for viewing them more closely. I did not want to push too much at the corners, but they are not sealed. The white stripe scratch you can see, and it is also clear that it is, for the most part, not on the car’s other side and it is not in the original paint. I could swear that in the right light you can see dozens of little horizontal scratches as well, but those did not come out in the pictures. I am not a big fan of the large, seemingly permanent label in the glass either.

I thought it was weird that the guy did not want me to turn the car around in the garage. He seemed unsure of himself despite what appeared to be a simple replacement. He said he has replaced windshields for 2 years. I don’t know what is going on with Absolute Auto Glass in Denver, or are they really in Broomfield.

Part of the problem here is I had less control because it is an insurance claim with MetLife. I am not paying the vendor directly. I asked Nate what such a windshield costs and I believe he said $300 or more; he also backtracked when I said it is more like $150-200 in my experience.

Hopefully it is not a problem and it is an advantage instead. Where would I be at if I was arguing with Absolute Auto Glass about $150 and damage to a 20-year old car?

We’ll see.

Oh, the other is Quest Tow Network. Geez, what a disaster of a company.

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