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Can anyone say…  Patty Hearst?  She doesn’t look captive to me.

Sighting?  This is from two weeks ago.

It really is a great story.  The TBI chief keeps insisting this is some ghoulish monster.  At least buy her a new shirt.  The team probably knows what shirt she is wearing now.

The father is still not well.  He is worse.  The last I heard he was tweeting loudly that Tad is a narcissist who has to realize there are other people.  Cummins’ former coworker, who put up the reward money, used the same word.  These are not the most articulate people.  The latter also said something like he always has to be in charge and he always has to be right.  The wife, who is now seeking a divorce, tried to appeal to this side of him too:  I know you want to do the right thing, you can’t run forever.

Fired from the school in a backward place for letting her back in the classroom (open door) after being told not to.  A trained counselor he is not.  Anyway, something kicked-in.

The neighborhood in Columbia.

As wacky as it sounds, they are going to put him in jail.

Who goes around saying they worked for the FBI and CIA to a bunch of kids, in school?  Maybe they used him for target practice.

For the wife and the father the pictures are distressing.