WordPress 3.4.1 with Twenty Eleven Theme

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I’ve had to move the blog and re-install it several times because of hosting problems.  WordPress has made it easier over the years but it is still difficult.  As before, I lost all images with the re-install.

I liked, and read good things about, the newest version and this is it.  And I don’t see any reason just yet to change the default theme–twenty eleven–because I like it too.

I have read over and over that to make changes to the theme you should create a “child” version.  I don’t know why that is so essential because if what I have done stops working I’ll just install a new version of twenty eleven or something else.

I have made several changes to it:  it is widened by 100 pixels; the post area has been made somewhat wider; the margins are slightly smaller; some widgets were removed and others added; and widget/sidebar contents are centered.  Also, I have altered the menu and uploaded more/different images.

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