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THE Home Depot they call it.  Okay.  We’ll continue to see.

  • – The district manager (Hanh Pham, 623/606-6415), ten stores, likely a lot of Colorado, called rather promptly this morning.  After her conference call Monday the policy will be adhered to, she said.  Changing the views of some of these people may be hard so I can respect that.  I am not a zealot, she was very nice, and I will respect that.  I look at what actually happens.  It will be worth it to watch.  The only thing that she said that I disagree with is that the store is “not welcoming dogs”; I think that is/was not true.
  • – Amanda in Atlanta called this AM and we talked.  Today was her self-imposed deadline for some sort of action and she certainly didn’t mention that.  We just talked.  Any action?  There is no evidence yet, so it too has to be watched for.

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