The week in the (Michigan) blogs

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This was a huge week for news given the implosion at Ohio State and two (almost three) new commits for the Wolverines.  As usual, the granddaddy of Michigan blogs, mgoblog, led the way thanks almost entirely to its forum.  News is posted there within minutes of its occurrence and Brian Cook’s greatest achievement is 1) the following the blog receives and 2) forum posts/news on the front page.  The Jim Tressel resignation was posted and discussed ad nauseam, as was the escalating arrogance and alleged violations of Terrelle Pryor.  Regarding OSU, despite Tressel’s seemingly forced/encouraged resignation, leadership still hasn’t shown the ability to get out in front of the massive indiscretions by cleaning house and espousing compliance.  As for Pryor, it appears he may have played his last college game and, this too can be blamed on the former coach’s massive flaws and misbehavior.

As usual, Brian Cook of mgoblog offered little:  no participation in the spirited discussions and posts that rely on the copying of others’ web content (e.g., this and this based on another’s artwork and a “mod”-edited title).  This one shows once again the some of the annoying know-it-alls on the mgoblog board; as I once wrote in a reply, “who made you Pope of this dump.”

My favorite post on the Ohio State violations is at The Wolverine Blog (specifically, here).  I have tried to figure out things having to do with corruption and illegality both here and in another blog and, while I don’t think it is that simple, I commend the author of this post.  Yes, it has to do with being selfish.

Just to recap, the recruiting news this week has to do with Allen Gant and Anthony Standifer.  And the third prospect, the one still MIA, is Wayne Morgan.  As always, recruiting news is prompt, optimistic, and well done at Michigan Football Recruiting.

This is the week that Touch the Banner implemented the I-wish-I-hadn’t-seen-it rating system for prospects and recruits.  Magnus has improved tremendously as a blogger and is an enthusiastic and knowledgeable contributor to his and other sites.  But these are 18, 17, or even younger kids.  Sometimes he is awfully negative.  Does he, or anyone, really know?  And I do wish Mr. Thunder  had contributed his take on the goings-on in Ohio–he has earned the position of respected commentator.

Finally, these two are on their way out for me.  I haven’t seen much worthwhile at UMGoBlog lately and today, when I went to the site, I ended up with a virus and had to do a system restore (this is in addition to frequent security alerts).  Brice’s Recruiting just doesn’t seem to be able to keep up with the others.

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