The story of Chad and Lori

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I am finally starting to put it together: KTVB, KSL, Fox10 Phoenix, and East Idaho News. EIN is connected to the Idaho Statesman through Nate Sunderland, the managing editor.

There are some internet celebrities (Nate Eaton), real reporters (Justin Lum), YouTube phonies (take your pick), and just plain weirdos (Eric Grossarth).

For now the things that are holding them together are the Mormon church and murder.
Followed by Good Things live. Unfortunately, there is more.

This is the story of Chad and Lori.

Well she ain’t lookin’ back anymore
She said, “Catch me if you can anymore”
Ya know she didn’t want to do it
But he just pushed her too far

Everybody got a breakin’ point
And Baby there you are
She’s a Runaway
Run, Run, Run, Runaway

Does anyone have pictures of Emma making faces? It sure has layers. According to this link, “I’ve seen this before where it’s a bizarre case, it makes no sense and then it comes down to something as simple as greed or avarice or, you know, selfishness.”

Dominick Dunne on Power, Privilege, and Justice could summarize it in one paragraph. But as he once said, he doesn’t do poor people.

They are poor people, what with Lori “five kids and no money” Vallow and Chad with his 25 books bringing in $3000 a year. Specifically, Lori has shown a distinct inability to sustain herself over the years; she is a classic case of rolling up debt and then blaming the creditors.

Chad’s house in Salem, Idaho was bought on the cheap and never upgraded to a house for teenagers. Gravediggers do not make any money. Mrs. Tammy Daybell appeared to hold the family together, financially and otherwise, having worked her way up to full-fledged, tenured librarian. Plus, her work on the covers and sales efforts were a big part of selling the flimsy little 170-page novels. The fact is he had virtually no income of his own and maintaining the inventory of books was a problem.

The D.A. said the way one body was buried was egregious. I always thought egregious was an adjective. Egregious burial? Egregious body? I don’t get it. That is my layer, and I will come back to it.

Nate Eaton has done some fine work. But who wants to listen to Melani, or Melanie, or some other religious fanatic (e.g.,

Just the link.

Earlier a D.A. in the Daybell murders elected to simply bow out. This one, who has been leading the prosecution and investigation for a half a year, waited for a nice Summer day. The house is a mile over the county line.

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