The Line

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If you feel you have a legal right to enter my property, please explain it.

It is one of those that takes a little longer or a little more experience. I experienced it and wrote about it around 20 years ago. I can barely remember. It was probably Comcast. You (they) think no one is watching. It is open space. I think gist was I caught someone redhanded. . And they tried to cover it up. But, the supervisor was super-responsive and somehow I ended up satisfied.

At the time there was no fence. A pole climber could walk under the wires to the next pole and not bother me one bit. They always climb from the uphill side. The poles and wires are all over my uphill neighbors’ property. The road, for access, the closest, most direct path to the poles and the wires, is right in front of their homes.

Little did I know that the promises are not long-lasting. And there is still CenturyLink and Xcel to deal with. Xcel is the worst and most frequent.

There are a lot of clues from the trucks to the preliminaries to the work itself. The work itself is telegraphed too; this time it was with crampons, not a ladder; this enabled two at a time. I watched as they strapped them on and off, put a stap over their shoulders, grab all sorts of other “kit,” and trudge along a path that does not exist. I knew they would try/do it and I asked them to stop. Without even identifying themselves or the reason for the encroachment, they jingled and trudged on.

The gear is like a weapon.

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