Following are the facts of the case.
For over two years the neighbor behind me has disturbed me by shining lights into my home and lighting up large portions of my backyard. Oral requests and numerous letters have been ignored. Given the impasse, on several occasions the local police department has been called. The behavior has persisted.
Employees of the police department have refused to explain, in writing or otherwise, why they will not correct the abuse.
On approximately two dozen occasions employees of this same police department have harassed me for reporting crimes. This harassment has included coming to my home for no legitimate reason; outrageous–always oral–allegations of alleged crimes committed by me; name calling; unsolicited calls; and caller-ID blocked calls. Several internal affairs complaints by me have been ignored. E-mails and letters to Sheriff Ted Mink have been ignored (i.e., not responded-to).
These are the implications and conclusions based on the case.