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Hi and thank you for writing. I appreciate women who go for it and try to respond if there is a way.

I was just thinking today–because I AM in the mood and want to try speed dating!–that there are some personality tests here. I like another site, another dating site which has a great matching system. I’ll tell you, I recently “completed” a fairly long distance encounter there with someone just like me and I’ll never forget it. So I can attest that it is possible to do some real target marketing.

Perhaps what you are saying in part is I am smart, articulate, and have a general understanding of how the world works, including law and politics. I’m not bragging whatsoever but–I do respond to women’s profiles and sincere efforts. Occasionally I will write something that will get some real attention. Two of the three Jefferson County commissioners I would call close contacts and the third knows me too; one is a Democrat and one is a Republican.

Someday I will post it in my profile–people who know me know it–that usually when I say something there is something more behind it. I’m unusually sensitive and introspective (for a man). When I write something I have usually done my research and chosen my words carefully–there is always something more behind it.

So, with all due and appropriate respect, I disagree. Politics is something that is unimportant. There are plenty of legal, available, energetic, online, and other ways to do what one wants to and I respect all of it.

Oh, there is a question on OKC about it and my response is… Tolerant in terms of quantitative voting; written response of “More and more I’m thinking I don’t understand political ideology. It varies with the issues.”

To answer your question, I used to call myself a Gerald Ford (left-wing) Republican. (I knew Ford and his cronies from Michigan and specifically my fraternity there.) Now I would say I am more tolerant of the Democratic party too.

Finally, I do this too… remark on women’s profiles. Always, they’re appreciative because they have no idea how they may be viewed by the opposite sex. Yours is one of the worst I have seen. It is all “I want.” And you come off as extremely intolerant, something that… Most people go the other way as they get older. I lived in LA too (Santa Monica and Westwood) and love it too. I especially liked/learned that… liberal/trends go East for sure, but pretty darn conservative parts too. I think it is cool that everyone seems to recognize and accept that.


Well…you are very interesting. I’m just curious what your political views are with such a background. That’s the main thing I think is important…but they don’t have it listed on here. Either way…I liked your writing!

P.S.  Did you know that POF profiles are visible to everyone, and you don’t have to be a member or signed-in?  Just search hookyno pof.  Alcoholic and fat is not good either.