I’ll be surprised if…
If you’d like some information on the issues I raised my main blog is peterpfeiffer.co.cc/columns and some other websites are listed on the home page (peterpfeiffer.co.cc). Another blog (theResearchSource.net/operation-clean-up) is in the process of being moved and some of that content can be found by clicking “Operation Clean-Up” in the categories section of the main blog. All of these are mostly just my own notes on what is going on.
I’m in a hurry too and can’t really tell the entire, years-long story here. Why do I do it? I dislike corruption. And I feel these “services” are the biggest impediments to my enjoyment of my home, neighborhood, and local surroundings. As you probably know, there are a lot of people around here who feel ‘we like it the way it is.’ I suspect it would be a lively debate for your readers.
Example: In my neighborhood some third-to-half of the homes have zoning violations. The corruption in the sheriff’s department is unspeakable–recent events have led me to learn that it is far worse than I thought. Are you familiar with the Ted Mink ACLU case? It was fairly-successfully hidden. My last e-mail to Ted Mink included something like ‘please don’t send deputies to my home to harass/attempt to intimidate me. That has happened at least four times in the past, once after midnight.’
I can also cite some pretty serious issues with respect to the Division of Parks and Wildlife (formerly DOW) as that is a hobby and business pursuit.
It is really, really bad. And it is NOT a budget issue. My “inquiries” go all the way to the governor and FBI. Oh, and a local representative…
Please respect the fact that this is not a “letter to the editor” in terms of publication and most of the content on my websites isn’t really fit to be published without permission. But, I strongly hope it will give you some very serious ideas.
Please give me a call if you’d like to discuss things. And I hope you’ll be forthright with me–does your publication want to make a difference? If we can communicate maybe I will put together something fit for publication…
Failed to mention… Are you familiar with the noxious weed problem here? The CRS has specific requirements for their eradication; county officals refuse. This is documented.
This–the environment–and wild animal abuse (specific Division of Parks and Wildlife issues) are issues that resonate with many people.
If/when the time is right I will write a publishable editorial to your organization.