- negligent, intentional, strict liability. Ordinary prudence/level of care; plaintiff must prove–reasonable person. (Did not get into burden of proof specifics.)
- dangerous activities–very hazardous activities–strict liability.
- res ipsa loquitur “speaks for itself,” one is presumed to be negligent if he/she/it had exclusive control of whatever caused the injury even though there is no specific evidence of an act of negligence, and without negligence the accident would not have happened
- list of intentional torts. Conversion.
- Economics, politics, other factors; laws and case law changes.
- “Body of reasoned opinion”
- legal way to enforce promise.
- solution is to put back as if contract were fulfilled with money, i.e., we’ll pay for someone else to do it; expectation damages.
- again, the issue of “what the political system will enforce.”
- form (i.e., assent) is separate from substance; first determine if it was agreed to and then what is in it.
- mutual benefit and time 2 key issues. Doctrine of consideration (something of value).
- breach: “you chose at that point to go back on the deal” (not “lied about reason to participate”).
- will of the party–what was its purpose in terms of doing it?–over time is key… e.g., I did not enter into it in order to have money taken from my checking account without authorization.
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