Called them at 9:40 this morning. The young (seemingly) woman was nice and said she wanted to have “someone/her boss” call me back. This leads me to believe this is not the first complaint they have received.
I complained about the noise. I said I wanted this to be a friendly call and did not wish to argue or be contentious.
I told her some 7-8 years ago I called the sheriff’s department and wrote the owner a letter. I was promised a letter in return and never received one. I mentioned the owner/Ms. Gosh chased me down the street.
The woman said: “we are a kennel and there is going to be noise”; “Are you new here?”; “We have been here for fourteen years.” Again, she wanted to have someone call me back.
I said: you do not have the right to disturb me on my property; it is very loud and I can hear it in my house and on my property; if I hear it again I will call the sheriff’s department; I never received a reply to my letter (promised to law enforcement; lying to law enforcement); I do not wish for anyone to call me back; last time Ms. Gosh was extremely rude and uncooperative; if I had such a business I would do things differently, i.e., there are solutions, such as not accepting problem dogs, building soundproof facilities, transferring difficult animals elsewhere, etc. I said something along these lines: to me it is not smart/good business to be a neighborhood disruption and I would expect my customers to understand that (i.e., I would tell them/operate my business that way.)
Evergreen Kennel and Grooming 30596 Bryant DriveEvergreen, CO 80439-5765
(303) 670-9792
Update Sunday: Called Jeffco Sheriff; may send deputy may send Animal Control; noise and potential cruelty to animals; anonymous–said ‘I do not wish for anyone to call me or stop by my house.” noise from 8AM to 9:40.