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Those who know me know I am a student of gender roles.

This is one of the most amazing phenomena I have seen.  How one can screen out terrorists or anyone who could commit such an act is probably the most obvious problem associated with it.  The refugee situation in Europe is going to blow up.

There is a severe and growing rape problem.  New Year’s eve in particular, hundreds of women were groped or otherwise accosted by gangs, Muslims, or refugees.  Certain (Scandanavian/Norway) countries are providing “lessons” on how to treat women.

There is a culture clash over the treatment of women by these younger males.  There are contributing issues, such as the make-up of the immigrants (80% male), shelter, treatment, etc.

There is even an undercurrent to cover it up.  All the tough decisions on the refugees, Muslims, and terrorists could be revisited.  Individuals too, who want to be tolerant, could be in a bind while others will certainly fight back.

The events in Cologne are stunning.

Now it is turning to, and it may become about, crime.  Crime.  You just can’t defend it.